Residential Plumbing - Miami, Pembroke Pines, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood

Residential Plumbing

April 23, 2015

Faucets are a key component of your home for a clear reason, they dispense water. Keeping your faucets in good condition is important and can save you a lot of trouble if properly maintained. A number of things can (and will) go wrong with your faucets at home over time, from water leaks to noise. Sometimes, you’ll need

Dear readers, please join us to view the most spectacular & epic plumbing fails of all time. We have compiled photos from various sources for your viewing pleasure! 1. Got no hot water? No problem!   2. Plumbing Marketing Win!   3. Water Pressure Fail   4. There I fixed it. This is how intercoolers

When you take a shower, clean the tile floors, or wash your hands, you need the wastewater to flow smoothly into a working drain. So when a clog prevents water from draining, many homeowners purchase drain cleaning liquids that claim to unblock tough clogs. If you own a bottle of drain cleaning fluid, you may want